Roof Replacement

For roofs that can’t be treated with Roof Maxx or repaired, our team has the experience to replace your entire roof quickly and correctly, to ensure you get the maximum value and lifespan needed.

The Process

  • Mark and his team will visit your home to assess the condition of your roof. Sometimes this may involve the use of drone photography.

  • If insurance coverage is a possibility, our team will work directly with your provider to try and keep as much cash in your pocket as possible. We go to bat for you and your home.

  • After we’ve set our action plan for your home, we usually start by removing your old roof and roofing materials.

  • With the old materials removed, we will inspect your ‘roof decking’ - the roofing material between the structural components (the trusses and joists) and the insulation and weatherproofing layers (roof materials, coatings, layers, etc.). We look for any signs of additional damage like wood rot, and repair these as needed.

  • After we’ve determined the decking is ready, we install the underlayment and flashing to ensure proper water and moisture protection. Then we lay on the new roofing materials such as asphalt shingles, tiles, or metal panels.

  • Inspect inspect inspect! Mark and his team take another evaluation of the new roof to make sure everything is installed correctly and working properly.

  • Once all the work is done, we clean up and haul off all of the waste materials and tools from the job, leaving behind a brand new shiny roof to add value to your home and your family.

Your roof protects you,
we protect your roof.

To see if Roof Maxx is a good fit for your home, Mark and his team will come out and provide a free, no obligation roof inspection. Seriously.

Let’s get started!